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GENDER, SEX & SEXUALITY, “What are the Differences?”

GENDER, SEX, and SEXUALITY, contrary to popular belief these three things are totally different like chalk and cheese and chips. The point is, people get confused when it comes to your gender identity and your sexuality and it’s understandable what with the T being part of the LGB community.

Your SEX is determined at birth based upon your bits and bobs. Technical terminology. This isn’t always as black and white as male and female. Some London people are intersex, which means they have difference variations of sex characteristics including chromosomes or genitals. Your GENDER IDENTITY exists in the brain and doesn’t always match up with your sex. And then finally we have your SEXUALITY which refers to the gender, or genders, that you’re attracted to. So once upon a time, outwardly I appeared female and I liked girls so society labelled me a lesbian. ‘NEXT!’ and now that I’ve transitioned physically and my outside matches my true gender I’m seen by society as a straight guy, which is how I’ve always identified deep down. But it is important to point out that you can be trans AND gay or trans and bi, or whatever-sexual, just as non-trans people can be. Yeah, of course! In the past people have asked me if I’m not just really a butch lesbian and by saying that they’re making the assumption I fancy girls. And being transgender isn’t an extreme form of being gay. ‘I only wanted a haircut!’ So although stereotypically I am quite boyish, the reason I’ve never seriously considered transitioning is because I never felt any discomfort with my female body parts.

Whereas the main reason I transitioned is because I felt what’s called ‘body dysphoria’ which means my body parts and shape just didn’t feel right, I felt like I should be looking down at a male body. So I hope we’ve helped you to understand the differences between your gender identity, your sex and your sexuality.

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